Education / Classroom
For parents of children with autism and teachers alike, great practical guides on curriculum building, teaching literacy, and sensory integration.
PublishersShowing 21–40 of 271 results
Answers to Questions Teachers Ask about Sensory Integration
With up to 20% of the students in any given classroom affected by Sensory Integration Disorder, Answers to Questions is an invaluable resource for teachers of pre-school through high school.
$21In stock
Apps for Autism: Revised and Expanded
There are more than 200 apps for autism, and this book will guide you through them so you can confidently utilize today’s technology to maximize your child or student’s success! Speech Language Pathologist Lois Jean Brady wrote this book in order to educate parents, teachers, and other professionals about the breakthrough method she calls “iTherapy”—which is the use of Apple products (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and various apps (computer applications) in meeting students’ individual educational goals.
$55.95 -
Asperger Syndrome – What Teachers Need to Know, 2nd Edition
This book gives a summary of up-to-date information on AS, describing the characteristics to look out for, and offering simple strategies for adapting to the educational needs of students with AS. Packed with practical advice, it answers key questions such as ‘Am I qualified to teach this child?’ and ‘How can I help the pupil with AS to learn?’
$33.95In stock
Asperger Syndrome in the Inclusive Classroom: Advice and Strategies for Teachers
Based on the successful experiences of classroom teachers, and written from a teacher’s perspective, this book provides creative and easy-to-apply strategies that support and encourage AS students in the mainstream classroom…
$30.95In stock
Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Teachers, 2nd. Edition
This fully revised new edition is a clear and concise guide to effective classroom practice. It is designed for teachers and assistants supporting children with Asperger syndrome in mainstream schools and other non-specialist settings.
$45.95In stock
Asperger Syndrome: An Owner’s Manual; What You, Your Parents, and Your Teachers Need to Know
An Owner’s Manual is an interactive workbook designed for young people grades 5 through 8 for use with guidance from a helping adult.
$33.95In stock
Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive at Home and at School
If you are raising a child with Asperger’s Syndrome, it can be a real challenge to find answers to your questions and make decisions while trying to keep pace with the latest developments in research and changes in the growth and behavior of your child. This book comes to the rescue by combining the latest medical information and interventions with clearcut strategies to help your child thrive at home and at school.
$19.95 -
Autism and Education – The Way I See It: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know
In these helpful pages, Dr. Grandin offers do’s and don’ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, all based on her insider perspective and extensive research. Interestingly, she argues that education for kids on the autism spectrum must focus on their overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions to the world.
$24.95 -
Autism and Learning: A Guide to Good Practice
Demonstrates how a cognitive perspective on the way in which individuals with autism think and learn may be applied to particular curriculum areas. The text sets out principles of pedagogy and illustrates their application.
$81.95 -
Autism and Reading Comprehension: Ready-To-Use Lessons for Teachers
Starting with Level 1 (The Cat) and ending with Level 9 (The Lizard), special-educator Joseph Porter has developed an amazing 90 hours of animal-themed, whole-group instruction. There are two student worksheets for each of nine animals, totaling eighteen worksheets. Each worksheet has four variations, and there is a ready-to-go lesson plan for each one.
$41.95 -
Autism Fitness Handbook: An Exercise Program to Boost Body Image, Motor Skills, Posture and Confidence in Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder
A new edition of a popular program by a well-known autism fitness specialist, this book contains a wealth of innovative exercises to boost body image, motor coordination, posture, muscular and cardiovascular fitness and overall health and wellbeing in children and teens on the autism spectrum, and is ideal for use at home or at school.
$45.95 -
Autism…What Does It Mean To Me?
In this updated edition, new pages include additional pages directed towards older readers. For example, teens exploring how their identity relates to their diagnosis may be interested in the pages titled: The Wording for Me and Autism: “Identity First” and “Person First” (p. 20, 21). Pages 28-29 offer additional resources to the parent or professional regarding this language. Pages regarding the importance and meaning of stimming are new, along with pages regarding Self-Injurious Behavior, tics, emotional pain, empathy, and many, many more. In the section regarding Friends, Catherine includes what she’s learned from adults and teens regarding the importance of internet friendships as a vital and sustaining force in many otherwise isolated lives. She’s also added new information regarding the dangers that may be associated with meeting people online, and practical tips regarding protecting one’s personal safety.
$48.95In stock
Beating Dyspraxia with a Hop, Skip and a Jump: A Simple Exercise Program for Home and School, 2nd Edition
Children with dyspraxia often have reduced motor skills including balance, timing and coordination, as well as weak muscles – something recent research suggests may be not only a symptom but a cause of the condition. It is no wonder then, that they will do everything in their power to avoid gym class! By encouraging children with dyspraxia to take part in an easy and fun exercise program, teachers and parents can help them to overcome their symptoms, enjoy physical activities, and become as active as their friends and classmates.
$37.95 -
Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom: See a behavior? Look it up!
As inclusion becomes the norm in general education, teachers are faced with behaviors they have never seen before. Special needs educators may recognize the telltale symptom of a sensory need or a textbook-case of an avoidance behavior, but this is all new territory for the general-ed crowd!
$20.95In stock
Behavior Support for Students with ASD – Practical Help for 10 Common Challenges
When students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) engage in challenging behavior, how can teachers best respond? This practical guidebook shows you how to address ten of the most common classroom behavior challenges—from following directions to handling transitions—with skill, insight, and compassion.
$55.95In stock