Education / Classroom
For parents of children with autism and teachers alike, great practical guides on curriculum building, teaching literacy, and sensory integration.
PublishersShowing 261–271 of 271 results
Writing Skills Activities for Special Children
Now available in lay flat, paperback edition, here’s the book you need to help elementary students with special needs develop basic writing skills, relate writing to real-life tasks, and explore writing as a creative, enjoyable event!
$41.99In stock
Yoga for Children and Young People with Autism
Yoga can offer a myriad of social, emotional and health benefits to people with children and young people with autism, and in this guide Michael Chissick draws on his vast experience to help parents and educators make this a reality. Beautifully illustrated, it is packed with plans, games, goals, teaching tips and a multitude of real-life stories.
$30.95 -
Yoga Therapy for Children with Autism and Special Needs
If you are a parent of a child with special needs or a professional who works with one, you know how challenging it can be for them to sit still, to cope with change, to focus on self-soothing strategies, and to interact successfully with others. For these kids, yoga therapy can provide crucial support.
$29.95In stock
You’re Going to Love This Kid – 3rd. Edition
Created by Paula Kluth, a former teacher and celebrated inclusion expert who works with teachers and families nationwide, this book gives educators sensitive new ways to see autistic students and instantly useful strategies for teaching and welcoming them in general education classrooms.
$65.95 -
Your Interests, My Interests – A Visual Guide to Playing and Hanging Out for Children on the Autism Spectrum
Children on the autism spectrum can find playing with other children difficult. This colourful and fun visual guide, full of examples and activities, shows how they can find common interests with their friends, peers and family, so that they can have more fun playing and hanging out together.