Social Thinking
Social thinking is the process by which we interpret the thoughts, beliefs, intentions, emotions, knowledge and actions of another person along with the context of the situation to understand that person’s experience. These products are published by Social Thinking and are created and guided by its founder Michelle Garcia Winner, SLP.
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Showing 1–20 of 57 results
Advanced Extension Pack and Game Cards for Navigating The Zones
Author: Leah Kuypers Terri Rossman Elizabeth SautterPublishing Info: Game / December 2018If you’ve been using the game Navigating the Zones, integrate the Advanced Extension Pack and Game Cards to help more sophisticated thinkers (age 10+) further develop their problem solving and self-regulation skills. Add these advanced cards to the Navigating The Zones cooperative game to introduce three additional levels of play—including competitive game play!
$42.95In stock
Getting Into The Zones of Regulation – The Complete Framework and Digital Curriculum Companion (Print Edition)
Author: Leah KuypersPublishing Info: Paperback 172 pages / July 2024This guide orients you to the next evolution of The Zones of Regulation theory and methods and can be used in two ways: 1) to prepare you to teach the Digital Curriculum, or 2) to update your practices for those who already have the original The Zones of Regulation Curriculum. In addition, the book includes 6 months of FREE ACCESS to CONCEPT 1 of the Digital Curriculum so readers can try out the many features including an interactive presentation and videos, visual supports, differentiated activities, and assessments.
$71.95In stock
Movie Time Social Learning
Author: Anna Vagin, PhDPublishing Info: Paperback 180 pages and Downloadable Handouts / 2012One of the greatest challenges in teaching social thinking is finding interesting, imaginative, and enjoyable ways for students of all ages to study complex social situations. Movie Time Social Learning takes an activity many students already love—watching movies—and uses it as a springboard to study the intricacies of social interaction, the depth and range of emotions we experience in our lives, and the social expression that drives our interactions.
$45.95In stock
Navigating The Zones
Author: Leah Kuypers, Terri Rossman, Elizabeth SautterPublishing Info: Boxed Set with Interactive Teaching Board and Learning Cards / March 2018Note: The Adult Facilitator and participants need to already be familiar with the core concepts and vocabulary taught in The Zones of Regulation curriculum to use this product. Navigating The Zones is NOT intended to be a stand-alone tool to teach The Zones of Regulation framework. Navigating The Zones highlights a few core concepts in the book, but does not…
$90.95In stock
Should I or Shouldn’t I? Elementary School Expansion Pack
Author: Dominique BaudryPublishing Info: Game with Cards / March 2016Double your playing fun with the Should I or Shouldn’t I? Elementary Expansion Pack! This product is an add-on to the original Should I or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think?™ Elementary Edition game.
$35.95In stock
Should I or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think? Revised Edition for Teens
Author: Dominque BaudryPublishing Info: Game / June 2012The Should I or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think? ™ game encourages players to think about their own behavior choices and then compare how their perceptions match (or don’t) those of the other players. It revolves around the idea of perspective taking – being able to think about others, their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how this interrelationship plays out in social situations. The game is based on the Social Thinking concepts and vocabulary introduced by Michelle Garcia Winner and outlined in her many books and articles on the topic.
$49.95In stock
Should I or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think™? (Elementary School Edition)
Author: Dominique BaudryPublishing Info: Card Game / January 2014The Elementary Edition of our popular Should I or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think?™ game encourages players ages 8-11 to think about their own behavior choices and then compare how their perceptions match (or don’t) those of the other players. The game makes thinking and talking about behavior fun, and allows players to explore their own thoughts, perspectives, and choices within a safe and consequences-free environment.
$49.95In stock
Should I? or Shouldn’t I? Teen Edition Expansion Pack
Author: Dominique BaudryPublishing Info: Card Game / March 2016Double your playing fun with the Should I? or Shouldn’t I? Teen Edition Expansion Pack! This product is an add-on to the original Should I? or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think? Revised Edition for Teens game. In the game, players ages 12-18 rate an action or reaction in a particular context on a scale based on how it makes them feel, and then compare how their perceptions, interpretations, and social responses match (or don’t) those of the other players
$36.95 -
Social Fortune or Social Fate: A Social Thinking Graphic Novel Map for Social Quest Seekers
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Paperback 82 pages with extensive anime graphics / April 2011Utilizing the anime illustrations to capture the attention of teens and tweens, this book has been developed to teach the core concepts related to Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Behavior Mapping (SBM). SBM’s teach how our own behaviors, expected and unexpected, impact how others feel about us, ultimately treat us which then affects how we feel about ourselves.
$39.95In stock
Social Situation Mapping – Making Sense of the Social World
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Paperback 108 pages / April 2023What’s happening around us influences our thoughts, feelings, and responses. Social Situation Mapping (formerly Social Behavior Mapping), a core teaching framework within the Social Thinking® Methodology, uses visual templates to encourage learners to engage social observation for figuring out what to do and say (or not do and say) based on a particular situation: where we are, who is present, and what is…
$37.95In stock
Social Situation Mapping + 10 Steps Poster
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Poster 18" x 24" / 2014Use this updated dry-erase poster (18” x 24”) as you teach individuals ages 8+ Social Situation Mapping (SSM). SSM is a powerful, versatile, metacognitive tool to encourage an understanding of how we are all part of a socially responsive community; that the things we ALL do impact one another’s thoughts and feelings, which guides what we do and say, and ultimately how we feel ourselves.
$24.95 -
Social Thinking and Me (Two Book Set)
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner, Linda K. MurphyPublishing Info: Paperback / 2016Whether you’re new to Social Thinking or a veteran in using our materials, Social Thinking and Me is the perfect tool to introduce and teach core Social Thinking Vocabulary and concepts to older elementary school and middle school-age kids (ages 9-14). This two-book set breaks larger and more complicated social concepts down into smaller chunks to make it easier for adults to teach and easier for kids to learn.
$98.95In stock
Social Thinking at Work: Strategies for Understanding and Navigating the Workplace
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Paperback 209 pages / 2022This book was written based on the authors’ clinical experience working with very high functioning adults who have social learning challenges.
Social functioning in the workplace is complicated for us all! Most adults continue to learn to develop better social coping strategies with age; adults with social learning challenges are very capable of learning but need information about the social emotional relationship process presented in a more directed, stair stepped manner.
$42.95In stock
Social Thinking Frameworks Collection – A Set of 26 Social Thinking® Teaching Frameworks
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Visual Supports 13 mini-posters / December 2020The social world is vast and complex, kids are complicated, and there’s so much information! Here’s where you’ll find the best of the Social Thinking® Methodology distilled into a two-set collection of their 26 core teaching frameworks for helping social learners unpack and figure out how to navigate the social world in a concrete, visual way. This powerhouse of visual teaching tools showcases Social Thinking’s most important and popular conceptual and treatment frameworks, collected for the first time from their many books, workshops, webinars, and articles throughout the past 25 years. It’s their gift to our social community, which continues to teach and give us so much.
$70.95 -
Social Thinking Frameworks Collection | A Set of 13 Social Thinking® Teaching Frameworks Set 1
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Visual Supports 13 mini-posters / December 2020Start unpacking the social world with Core Practical Treatment Frameworks: Set 1, part of a two-set collection of 26 visual teaching scaffolds for social learning and self-regulation strategies—curated and distilled for the first time in one practical and user-friendly collection. After 25 years of research, teaching, and learning, Social Thinking has powerful ideas and concrete strategies for helping interventionists help their social learners see and understand the social world and develop lifelong strategies for meeting their social goals.
$35.95In stock
Social Thinking Frameworks Collection | A Set of 13 Social Thinking® Teaching Frameworks Set 2
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Visual Supports 13 mini-posters / December 2020Here are 13 more of Social Thinking’s most helpful and popular teaching frameworks in a portable, user-friendly set to help social learners ages 4–adult build social competencies across a wide range of social landscapes. Tried, tested, and perfected over 25 years, these visual supports dissect complex social concepts into user-friendly graphics and logical steps that make sense to social learners. The frameworks in this set explore perspective taking and social communication, different types of friendships, and executive functions.
$35.95In stock
Social Thinking® Thinksheets for Tweens and Teens: Learning to Read in Between the Social Lines
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Paperback 200 pages / 2014Thinksheets for Tweens and Teens focuses on the social issues and challenges faced by pre-adolescents and adolescents and introduces social concepts and strategies that can help individuals navigate these tricky years. Social rules and expectations change with age; thinking and behavior that was appropriate in elementary school can quickly become inappropriate and unexpected as students move into middle and high school. We developed these thinksheets to help educators, therapists, and parents encourage more mature social thinking and related shifts in their students’ social skills.
$63.95In stock
Socially Curious and Curiously Social: A Social Thinking Guidebook for Bright Teens and Young Adults
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Paperback 210 pages / 2021This anime-illustrated guidebook is for teens and young adults to read themselves to learn how the social mind is expected to work for us to effectively relate to others at school, at work, in the community and even at home. Since there is relatively little information on how to talk about social information, this book redefines what it means to “be social” and it is likely not what you were thinking!
$42.95In stock
Superflex Series All-in-One Bundle
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke, Stephanie Madrigal, Kari Zweber PalmerPublishing Info: Book & Game BundleBring social, emotional, and academic learning for children ages 5-10+ into your classroom—and save with this Superflex Series All-in-One Bundle! You may have already heard about the Social Detective, Superflex, and the cast of colorful characters we call UnthinkaBots and Thinkables. Kids around the world are having so much fun learning strategies to activate their Superflex powers, they may not even realize they’re improving their flexible thinking, self-awareness, executive functioning, and self-regulation!
$504.95 -
Superflex Series Get Started Bundle
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke, Kari Zweber Palmer, Stephanie MadrigalPublishing Info: Book Bundle with Games / 2024This Get Started Bundle includes six foundational products, including the first storybook, You Are a Social Detective! 2nd Edition and You Are a Social Detective! Teaching Curriculum & Support Guide. Educators, therapists, and caregivers will find the Thinkables & UnthinkaBots Double Deck, 3rd Ed. to be a helpful supplementary teaching visual when using the Superflex curriculum, and kids love the instructional and fun Superflex Bingo game and Superflex Super Sticker Collection.