Superflex® and Focus Tron to the Rescue!
In 2008, Social Thinking introduced the Superflex superhero curriculum to help students learn about different social challenges that affect us all (represented by the 14 original Unthinkable characters) and that we each have our own Superflex inside that can help us overcome these challenges. Kids, teachers, clinicians and groups around the globe eagerly adopted the curriculum, creating their own Social Town Academy in cities and towns far and wide.
As citizens got better and better using their superflexible strategies, a cool thing happened: Thinkables started appearing. While Unthinkables represent the different social processing and self-regulating challenges we face, Thinkables are the mighty forces we acquire as we learn to be strong social detectives and social responders.
For every Unthinkable there is a Thinkable counterpart, and each Thinkable has its own special powers.
• Superflex and Kool Q. Cumber to the Rescue! complements the teachings found in Superflex Takes on Glassman and the Team of Unthinkables.
• Superflex and Focus Tron to the Rescue! complements the teachings found in Superflex Takes on Brain Eater and the Team of Unthinkables.
• Be sure you’ve taught the Superflex curriculum before using these individual storybooks!
Social Thinking introduced the Thinkables in 2012, in the book Social Town Citizens Discover 82 New Unthinkables® for Superflex® to Outsmart! They also introduced the Power Pals and the Five-Step Power Plan (referenced in the Kool Q. Cumber book). The Power Plan helps organize children’s thinking so they can more effectively problem solve what’s happening around them. This aligns with and supports the four steps in our Social Competency Model: attend, interpret, problem solve, respond.
Citizens can call on their Thinkable powers anytime, anyplace, to help them! Citizens love the positive, empowering message the Thinkables represent. “I can defeat my Unthinkable! I can use my flexible thinking and strategies! I can do this!”
Children will see the same characters and settings in both companion books, to help with understanding. Therefore, we recommend teaching through the Unthinkable companion book first.
Superflex and Focus Tron to the Rescue! complements the teachings found in Superflex Takes on Brain Eater and the Team of Unthinkables.
Focus Tron helps you wherever you are – at school, or home, in the community, when playing sports or watching a movie. When you can stay focused, it means your brain can stay connected to what you’re doing or what others are talking about.
Content in this storybook connects to and supports these Social Thinking Vocabulary and concepts:
• Using your Social Detective smarts to observe what’s going on.
• Social attention/observation: what are other kids doing/how are they reacting?
• Using positive self-talk to keep trying (Cranium Coach)
• Making a Smart Guess about what’s happening
• Keeping body and brain in the group
• Using strategies to defeat Brain Eater, who distracts people.
o Using a fidget
o Using a Superflex Distracter Shield (download a free SF Distracter Shield and a template to color your own, on the product page)
o Breaking down big tasks into smaller pieces
Focus Tron can help when other Unthinkables invade your brain alongside Brain Eater, including One-Sided Sid, Body Snatcher, Energy Hare-y
Suitable for ages 8 – 13
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