Articles & Blog - Page 19 of 30 - Autism Awareness

Articles & Blog

Maureen Bennie curates a news blog for Autism Calgary called "What in The World is Going On About Autism". Her blog often mines and expands on the articles and events that she has detailed in that news feed, as well as looking at current best autism resources, news stories, and events on a variety of topics about autism and ASD.

Romance and Autism: Dating is more than possible for people with ASD

There is a common misconception that people with an ASD are not interested in relationships or romance. This simply isn’t true. While this population struggles with social skills and communication, this doesn’t equate with disinterest, even though the stress and sense of self-defeat may dissuade an autistic person from  attempting romance. In a study done by Toronto’s Redpath Centre  ,…

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Designing Buildings for People with Autism

Dr. Magda Mostafa, Assistant Professor at the Department of Architectural Engineering at the American University in Cairo who also serves as Deputy Vice-President for Africa in the UNESCO-International Union of Architects’ Education Commission and Validation Council, was asked back in 2002 to design Egypt’s first educational facility for autism. She was surprised to find no guidelines for such a project existed anywhere. Dr. Magda decided to do her own research in order to create designs with the sensory and social needs of people with autism in mind.

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Gluten-Free Diet Does Not Decrease Autistic Behaviors

A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry on September 25th says there is no link between Celiac disease and the risk of autism. Many children on the autism spectrum experience gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation, food intolerances, and malabsorption of nutrients. Some follow a GF diet to try and improve health and behavior issues. For some, the diet works; for others there is no change.

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Science Largest Study to Date Confirms Autism’s Link to Disordered Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a common complaint among parents of those with autism. Children can have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking too early in the morning. Lack of sleep can affect a family’s quality of life, lessen a child’s ability to cope and focus, and fray nerves. A new study from the Archives of Disease in Childhood compared information…

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Study of Nonverbal Autism Must Go Beyond Words

Great strides have been made in reducing the number of nonverbal people with autism from 50 percent to 25 percent. This decline is more than likely due to early intervention programs and the diagnosis of milder forms of autism. Early intervention programs have been promoting language development. Researchers are now saying to better understand and treat this subgroup of nonverbal…

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Autistic Kids and Cameras: A Good Combination

Verbal communication can be an area of difficulty for people with autism. Using a camera can be an alternate way of communicating and most children love to use them. Looking at what they take pictures of, angles, colours, and details can give you a peek into how the person with autism sees the world.

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How to Handle Your IEP/504 Meeting

School children with special needs have an IEP or IPP in order to choose appropriate educational goals and assessments. Parents are part of this process and should be working with teachers in creating their child’s IEP.

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We need to know and do more about ageing with autism

Every human being ages. As we age, our needs changes. Approaching the senior years can mean changes in housing, health, and daily care. Policymakers have concentrated on these concerns for neurotypical seniors when designing social supports and models of care. What about the needs of those growing old with autism or other related disabilities? Timothy Baron, one of the first…

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Autism Spectrum Disorder Identified By Changes in Brain’s Chemical Levels

The Journal of American Medical Association Psychiatry has just published a study that revealed children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience a distinct chemical change in their brain that contributes to developmental delays. “Between ages three and 10, children with autism spectrum disorder exhibit distinct brain chemical changes that differ from children with developmental delays and those with typical development,”…

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Breakthrough Study Reveals Biological Basis for Sensory Processing Disorders in Kids

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is prevalent in those with an autism diagnosis; however, it’s never been recognized as a distinct disease. In a new study from UC San Francisco, researchers have found that children affected with SPD have quantifiable differences in brain structure, for the first time showing a biological basis for the disease that sets it apart from other…

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The 101 on Fidgets

Fidget toys are a great way to keep hands busy, soothe nerves, help improve focus and occupy an active mind. What exactly are they?

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When families fail parents of children with special needs

Receiving a diagnosis for your child is a life-changing experience. Raising any child is challenging, but those who have special needs have other struggles to contend with. Many families look to family members for support but don’t always get it. Well-meaning family members can say hurtful things, share outdated information, and have their own myths and prejudices around a diagnosis.…

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Genetic risks found in half of autistic children, new study shows

One of the most common questions about autism is what causes it. There has been a considerable amount of research done in the field of genetics, hoping to find the cause. A new study has identified genetic risk in 50 per cent of autism cases. To read more about this new groundbreaking research, click here.

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Researchers Call for Open Access to Autism Diagnostic Tools

Epidemiological studies of autism prevalence does not happen often in low to middle income countries; nor is much known about how autism symptoms vary from culture to culture. A major barrier to diagnosis in countries outside of North America and Europe is the cost of assessments. “There are glaring disparities globally, and even within the U.S., in terms of where…

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