Education / Classroom
For parents of children with autism and teachers alike, great practical guides on curriculum building, teaching literacy, and sensory integration.
PublishersShowing 201–220 of 270 results
The Autism Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers
This useful, accessible guide offers teachers and parents a better understanding of children on the autism spectrum and provides them with the kinds of support and intervention they need.
$21 -
The Autism Discussion Page on the Core Challenges of Autism
The Autism Discussion Page blue book focuses on the core challenges associated with autism (cognitive, sensory, social, and emotional) and provides concise, accessible information and simple tools for supporting children with these vulnerabilities.
$37.95In stock
The Autism Toilet Training Handbook: Essential Strategies for Home and School
Toilet training can be a battleground for parents and children. In this book, Mary Wrobel offers a detailed roadmap for success, based on over twenty five years of experience. Easy-to-read bulleted lists offer effective do’s and don’ts, along with real-life examples.
$23.95 -
The Autistic Teen Girl’s School Survival Guide
Written by an autistic person who’s been there, Gracie Barlow has lots of super helpful advice for you on learning, communicating, and making friends. You’ll also get real-life tips on how you can stay safe and understand yourself better.
It’s not just a guide for you – there are lots of practical tips on how your school and your family can make small changes to help you thrive. -
The Big Book of Interoception Games
Play your way to enhanced interoceptive awareness! The Big Book of Interoception Games includes 53 fun activities that invite practice noticing, connecting and/or regulating body signals. Each game provides several variations–making for 100s of playful interoception learning ideas. If you are looking for fun interoception activities to use with learners young and old, this book is for you!
$82.95 -
The Complete Guide to Special Education: Expert Advice on Evaluations, IEPs, and Helping Kids Succeed, 2nd Edition
This book explores the special education process-from testing and diagnosis to IEP meetings and advocating for special needs children. Step by step the authors reveal the stages of identification, assessment, and intervention, and help readers to better understand special needs children’s legal rights and how to become an active, effective member of a child’s educational team.
$27.95In stock
The Data Collection Toolkit – Everything You Need to Organize, Manage, and Monitor Classroom Data
Take the worry and stress out of data collection with this ultra-practical resource, packed with the tools you need to organize, manage, and monitor critical information on your students’ progress. You’ll discover proven, stress-free data collection techniques used by real teachers, with strategies and shortcuts developed through the author’s extensive teaching and consulting work.
$55.95In stock
The Educator’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices
As more K-12 schools move toward inclusion, how can general and special educators work together to create warm, welcoming classrooms where all students learn and belong? Discover practical answers in this friendly, down-to-earth teacher’s guide.
$48.95 -
The Essential Manual for Asperger Syndrome (ASD) in the Classroom
A quick reference guide to Asperger syndrome (ASD) in the classroom, Kathy Hoopmann’s handbook is ideal for busy teachers. It covers all the key problem areas, such as meltdowns, explains them from the student’s perspective, and provides strategies for how to manage them and create the best environment for the child.
$37.95In stock
The IEP Checklist – Your Guide to Creating Meaningful and Compliant IEPs 2nd Edition
How can special education teams create effective IEPs that improve student outcomes and meet legal requirements? Find practical answers in the second edition of this one-stop IEP guide, updated with new chapters on key topics, online resources, and practical features that make this edition perfect for either preservice courses or in-service teamwork.
$55.95 -
The IEP from A to Z: How to Create Meaningful and Measurable Goals and Objectives
With the skyrocketing diagnoses of ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and related conditions in schools, there is a growing need for information on creating effective IEPs for exceptional students. “The IEP From A to Z” is a step-by-step guide showing teachers and parents how to get the right education plan in place for students with ADHD, Autism/Asperger’s, Emotional/Behavioral Disturbance, and related conditions.
$38In stock
The Kids’ Guide to Getting Your Words on Paper – Simple Stuff to Build the Motor Skills and Strength for Handwriting
This fun guide supports kids age 7-12 to take control of their own writing difficulties, through worksheets and activities for building strength, coordination and stamina. As their skills improve, so too will their confidence and attainment. Illustrated throughout and with a quiz and handy checklists to track progress.
$30.95 -
The Neurodiverse Classroom – A Teacher’s Guide to Individual Learning Needs and How to Meet Them
With specific learning difficulties more prevalent than ever in mainstream schools, this is the essential guide for teachers wishing to create inclusive and successful learning environments in diverse classrooms.
$37.95 -
The New Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use that Work!
To help students with disabilities make a smooth transition from high school to adulthood, you need proven and practical strategies that prepare them for success in an increasingly complex world. You’ll find more than 500 research-based, teacher-tested support strategies in The New Transition Handbook—the modern transition guide for today’s students and the professionals who support them.
$55.95 -
The Occupational Therapist’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices
This is the friendly, down-to-earth survival guide OTs need to deliver their important services effectively as part of an inclusive school team. Packed with practical guidance and tips, examples that relate directly to an OT’s daily practice, and first-person insights from seasoned OTs, this guidebook is key to helping students develop new skills in key areas, from motor skills and mobility to academic achievement and friendships. All new OTs should read this book before their first day in an inclusive school—and veteran OTs will find it invaluable for ensuring that supports are delivered in the least restrictive environment.
$46.95In stock