Education / Classroom
For parents of children with autism and teachers alike, great practical guides on curriculum building, teaching literacy, and sensory integration.
PublishersShowing 81–100 of 270 results
Good Touch, Bad Touch
In this simple and engaging guide, Mandee and Bobby explain “good touches” (hugs and kisses from family members, a pat on the back, a handshake, or a high five) and “bad touches” (a hit, slap, punch, kick, bite, hard pinch, shove, or grabbing, tugging, scratching, tripping, or choking). They describe how to recognize each kind of touch, the differences between them, and how to respond.
$9.95 -
Helping Students Take Control of Everyday Executive Functions: The Attention Fix
This book presents an innovative model for strengthening and developing executive function in any student, including those with attention, memory, organization, planning, inhibition, initiative, and flexibility difficulties. It provides guidance on how to support each student’s evolving executive function, and how to encourage those who are ready to develop self-advocacy and become more responsible for the development of his or her own executive function skills.
$45.95 -
Helping Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Express their Thoughts and Knowledge in Writing
Improving the writing skills of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder is an important factor in helping them to make a smooth transition from high school to the increased expectations of university. This book offers practical guidance and writing exercises for educators to use to help students to get their thoughts and knowledge down in writing.
$45.95In stock
Hidden Brilliance – Unlocking the Intelligence of Autism
In Hidden Brilliance, Dr. Koegel and writer Claire LaZebnik explore the ways in which the brilliance and talents of children and young adults diagnosed with ASD are commonly overlooked or misjudged, even by trained professionals. This book isn’t about changing people, but about bringing out their best, by focusing on and nurturing their strengths.
$39.50 -
Homeschooling the Child with Autism: Answers to the Top Questions Parents and Professionals Ask
Presented in an easy-to-use question-and-answer format, this book answers the most commonly asked questions about homeschooling children with autism spectrum disorders.
$27.95 -
Homeschooling, Autism Style – Reset for Success
Parents all over the world are suddenly homeschooling. Are you one of them? If you have children on the autism spectrum, the prospect may seem even more daunting. Homeschooling, Autism Style: Reset for Success will give you what you need to step up.
$21.95In stock
How Do I Teach This Kid to Read? Teaching Literacy Skills to Young Children with Autism
This book presents simple instructional strategies that can be used to help develop early literacy skills in young children with autism. Award-winning author Kimberly Henry provides dozens of fine-tuned, easily adaptable activities that teachers and parents can implement separately or in infinite combinations.
$27.95 -
How Do I Teach This Kid? Visual Work Tasks for Beginning Learners on the Autism Spectrum
How Do I Teach This Kid? is a visual work for beginning learners on the autism spectrum is the first in a series of books designed to share ideas for using visual strategies to teach.
$28.95In stock
How Do You Measure Time?
How many hours do you sleep? How many minutes does it take to eat your cereal? Learn how clocks and calendars help you tick off the seconds, hours, days, and years.
Annotation: How many hours do you sleep? How many minutes does it take to eat your cereal? Learn how clocks and calendars help you tick off the seconds, hours, days, and years. -
How to Reach and Teach Children with Challenging Behavior (K-8): Practical, Ready-to-Use Interventions That Work
Written by behavior specialists Kaye Otten and Jodie Tuttle–who together have 40 years of experience working with students with challenging behavior in classroom settings–this book offers educators a practical approach to managing problem behavior in schools. It is filled with down-to-earth advice, ready-to-use forms, troubleshooting tips, recommended resources, and teacher-tested strategies. Using this book, teachers are better able to intervene proactively, efficiently, and effectively with students exhibiting behavior problems.
$35.95 -
I am Special – A Workbook to Help Children, Teens and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Understand Their Diagnosis, Gain Confidence and Thrive
I am Special is a program for helping children, teens and adults on the autism spectrum to understand themselves and their diagnosis, gain confidence and thrive. Specially-designed worksheets, included as online material, are completed to build up a unique and personal book about the individual and promote self-understanding.
$60 -
I Can’t Go to School! The School Non-Attender’s Workbook
If you think that going to school is tough – you’re not wrong. It’s difficult to do subjects you don’t understand. Or be with people you don’t feel comfortable around. Or to deal with the feelings you get when you think about going to school.
$30.95 -
I Hate to Write! Tips for Helping Students With Autism Spectrum and Related Disorders Increase Achievement, Meet Academic Standards, and Become Happy, Successful Writers
The writing process requires a high level of coordination between various parts of the brain. In individuals with an autism spectrum disorder, the areas of the brain do not communicate effectively with each other, leading to great difficulty coordinating all the skills needed for writing.
$39.95In stock
I’m Hungry, I’m Hungry, What Shall I Do?
This book introduces readers to Triggy, a very hungry and thirsty triangle who can’t decide what to eat or drink! Children will enjoy this engaging board book as Triggy embarks on a cafeteria adventure.
$21.95 -
Improving Speech and Eating Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders – An Oral Motor Program for Home and School
The treatment program helps to increase the variety of foods in the child’s diet, improve the child’s ability to accept touch inside and around the mouth, and expand the number of sounds the child produces-and thereby improving overall functioning.
$34.95In stock
Inclusive Education in a Strengths-Based Era – Mapping the Future of the Field
In this inaugural book in their Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities series, Michael L. Wehmeyer and Jennifer A. Kurth explore central, defining questions for the field of special and inclusive education: who, what, and where do we teach; what works in inclusive education; and where does inclusive education go now?
$41.95 -
Inclusive Programming for High School Students with Autism or Aspergers Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
High school can be challenging for any student, but it can be especially so for students on the autism spectrum. Social, emotional, and behavioral challenges often add to typical teen issues.