Temple Grandin: Still Going Strong at 70
Autism Calgary celebrated its 25th Anniversary on February 22nd with an exciting event – an evening with Temple Grandin. Temple spoke at the Calgary Hyatt Regency Hotel to a huge, enthusiastic audience of nearly 1200 people. She was in top form, delivering a two hour talk full of insight and practical information.
Temple’s energy and enthusiasm for the subject of autism has never waned despite her nearing her 70th birthday in August. Her views are fresh and modern and she keeps up on all the latest developments in the autism field such as neurology.
Temple Grandin spoke about kids with ASD
Temple is a huge proponent of getting our kids with ASD into the work force as early as possible through volunteering and work experience programs. She is an advocate of limiting video and TV screen time, but is also the first to admit she grew up in a different era. She believes in exposing children to as many experiences as possible so that they find their interests and develop passions that can potentially turn into jobs.
So much enthusiasm and generosity with her time
Temple came two hours before the main event, signing books and speaking with people. She stayed almost another hour after her talk was over to make sure everyone had the opportunity to ask questions, take photos, and get their books signed. Autism Awareness Centre was proud to be her book vendor for the 7th time. It’s always a great honour to support Temple and watch her shine!
Temple Grandin to be in Woman’s Hall Of Fame
And more news about Temple Grandin – she will be one of 10 women this year inducted into the Women’s Hall of Fame. Temple is an inspiration for young women all over the world and has shown what is possible with the right supports and guidance. Temple is a researcher, animal behavior scientist, teacher and international consultant on autism, and has advanced the quality standards and assurance in the meat and livestock industries, as well as humane slaughter practices.
Temple will join the ranks of former inductees that include such luminaries as Madeleine Albright, Louisa May Alcott, Maya Angelou, Susan B. Anthony, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sylvia Earle, Ella Fitzgerald, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Georgia O’Keefe, Rosa Parks, Sally Ride, Eleanor Roosevelt and Oprah Winfrey. Congratulations to Temple for all of her efforts!
If you would like to know more about Temple Grandin, we carry a number of books in our bookstore. While I love them all, my personal favourites are The Loving Push, Developing Talents and Thinking in Pictures. The HBO Temple Grandin film is also very well done and gives a nice overview of her life story.
Editorial Policy: Autism Awareness Centre believes that education is the key to success in assisting individuals who have autism and related disorders. Autism Awareness Centre’s mission is to ensure our extensive autism resource selection features the newest titles available in North America. Note that the information contained on this web site should not be used as a substitute for medical care and advice.