Employment / College
People with Asperger Syndrome, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (as it is now known) can find it difficult to work or go to college in an environment that involves either socialization or a lack of routine. These books offer strategies for people with ASD, or their parents and caregivers to help support adult sufferers of ASD get through higher education, or maintain successful employment.
PublishersShowing 1–20 of 32 results
Adult Life with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Self-Help Guide
The purpose of this Guide is to assist Alberta families and adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as they pursue or plan for a meaningful adult life.
$29.95In stock
Asperger Syndrome and Employment: A Personal Guide to Succeeding at Work
People with Asperger Syndrome (AS) can find it difficult to work in an environment that involves socialization with colleagues or a lack of routine. However, Asperger Syndrome and Employment shows how success in the workplace is possible with perseverance and with the right supports and strategies in place.
$41.95In stock
Asperger Syndrome and Employment: What People with Asperger Syndrome Really Really Want
The number of adults with Asperger Syndrome retaining full-time employment is extremely low in comparison to those who may be considered to have more limiting conditions and disabilities.
$41.95In stock
Autism and Employment: Raising Your Child with Foundational Skills for The Future
This book was written to help you, the parent, to raise your child with the foundational skills he or she will need for the future.
$27.95In stock
Autism and the Transition to Adulthood: Success Beyond the Classroom
Professionals who work with young adults will get hard-to-find information on how specific social, behavioral, and cognitive characteristics of people with autism affect the transition to adulthood, exploring potential challenges…
$55.95In stock
Autism Working – A Seven-Stage Plan to Thriving at Work
This self-guided workbook provides advice, strategies and activities to manage the difficulties that can arise at work. You will be given the tools to help minimize anxiety, sensory overload, unhelpful thinking patterns, difficulties with social communication, and organization and planning problems.
$30.95 -
Autism Works – A Guide to Successful Employment across the Entire Spectrum, 1st Edition
People with autism are being left behind today, with only 16 per cent in full-time employment. This inspiring book addresses the lack of understanding of the wonderful contributions people across the autism spectrum can make to the workplace, drawing attention to this vast untapped human resource.
$40.95 -
Business for Aspies – 42 Best Practices for Using Asperger Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully
Most workplaces are a frenzied swirl of social interaction – between employees and bosses, customers and clients, and anyone else present. People with a mental framework better suited to non-social tasks can often be overlooked and underutilized in such an environment, but this book explains exactly how those with Asperger Syndrome can get their talents recognized and become successful and indispensable employees.
$37.95 -
Career Training and Personal Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
This training program for teachers and careers assesses ASD students’ strengths and abilities, fears and challenges and helps them acquire the skills necessary for a smooth transition from school to employment.
$77 -
Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Autism, 3rd. Edition
Who knows better about developing the talents of those with autism than Temple Grandin? This updated and expanded third edition of Developing Talents considers the continuing dismal employment statistics for individuals with autism. The authors take an in-depth look at entrepreneurship and many other options.
$34.95 -
Employment for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disability
Most people with Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NLD) or Asperger Syndrome (AS) are underemployed.
$48.95In stock
Helping Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome Get & Stay Hired – Career Coaching Strategies for Professionals and Parents of Adults on the Autism Spectrum
Written for professionals and parents, this book offers employment strategies to support individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) into fulfilling and long-lasting careers. It provides a primer on how people with Asperger’s Syndrome think and teaches coaching techniques to help with jobhunting and workplace challenges
$34.95 -
How to Find Work that Works for People with Asperger Syndrome – The Ultimate Guide for Getting People with Asperger Syndrome into the Workplace (and keeping them there!)
For those who want to help somebody with Asperger Syndrome find and keep a satisfying job, this book is a vital tool.
$45.95In stock
Living Independently on the Autism Spectrum: What You Need to Know to Move Into a Place of Your Own, Succeed at Work, Start a Relationship, Stay Safe
These real-life strategies will help you cope with the feelings brought on by this change as well as deal with common challenges, like: budgeting and handling bills, finding the right residence and/or roommates, discovering a career path that complements your talents, interacting with coworkers and clients, building relationships with friends and potential partners. With Living Independently on the Autism Spectrum, you will gain the confidence, support, and guidance you need to finally experience life on your own.
$21.95 -
Planning the Transition to Employment
A must for transition coordinators, special educators, and employment specialists, this book embraces the widely used “Employment First” approach to career planning, which emphasizes integrated, competitive employment as the first and preferred option for all people, regardless of their disability.
$45.95In stock
Planning Your Career Through Intense Interests
Planning a career around your special or intense interests is possible and, in fact, easier than you might think! If you’re wondering how you can turn your love of animals, intense fascination of transportation or passion for information technology (and much more!) into a fulfilling career, that you will never get bored of, you’ve come to the right place!
$27.95 -
Preparing for Employment E-Book
Finding successful employment is a long term process. It is much more than writing a resume and doing a job interview. Preparation, planning, and patience really are the keys to a solid chance at employment.
$3.90 -
Realizing the College Dream with Autism or Asperger Syndrome: a Parent’s Guide to Student Success
This accessible book focuses on how to get there and stay there: deciding to go, how to get in and how to get the most out of it. Ann Palmer advises parents and professionals how to prepare the student for the transition from school and home life to a new