Webinar Recordings
Please browse our extensive selection of past Autism Awareness Centre webinars. The videos are between 1 – 2 hours in length and feature various topics and a variety of expert guest speakers.
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Showing 1–20 of 24 results
10 Strategies to Teach Social/Emotional Learning for the Current Home Environment
Featuring Elizabeth Sautter
Purchase this instructional video recorded from our webinar with Elizabeth Sautter which focuses on how to empower parents to embrace teachable moments through everyday routines and activities to boost their social, emotional, and executive function.
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10 Ways to Cope with Changes During COVID-19 and Beyond
Featuring Maureen Bennie
Welcome to Maureen Bennie’s and Autism Awareness Centre’s webinar on strategies and tips for being at home during COVID-19!
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Designing Sensory Spaces for Children and Teens at Home
Featuring Paula Aquilla, OT
Parents and children are spending more time together during COVID. Schools have been closed and restrictions have been made on community spaces, making home ‘the space’ for everyone. In this webinar, you will learn what to consider when designing your space and how to enlist your child in designing the space they will use. The same space can have more than one purpose – learn how to change the space with multiple purposes in mind.
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Helpful Tips and Resources for Teaching Conversation Skills to High Functioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Featuring Kerry Mataya
Ever wondered how to effectively teach a person with ASD how to have a meaningful back-and-forth conversation? Do you have a student that jumps in at the wrong time or on the wrong topic? Are you having difficulty teaching conversation in today’s pandemic? During the webinar, Ms. Mataya will use resources from Talk with Me: A Step-by-Step Conversation Framework for Teaching Conversational Balance and Fluency to help attendees develop immediate strategies for teaching conversation skills to high functioning students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in both school and home settings.
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How to Incorporate Structured Strategies into Everyday Life
Featuring Amy Gaffney
Strategies that provide structure and predictability help individuals on the spectrum better understand a given situation, which leads to greater success and independence. This webinar will discuss three structured strategies that can be used throughout a person’s day: structured language supports, visual schedules, and work systems. These strategies are often introduced at school but should also be extended into a child’s home and community, and continue to be utilized into adulthood. Participants will have the opportunity to make an action plan as they learn more ways to utilize structured strategies throughout the day.
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Interoception, The Eighth Sense Webinar – Impact on Behavior, Regulation and Positive Mental Health
Featuring Kelly Mahler
Purchase this instructional video recorded from the extremely popular webinar with Kelly Mahler where she defines interoception; discusses the impact it has on behavior, regulation, and mental health; and provides a few interoception-building strategies that can be used for a wide variety of learners.
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Manage, Evaluate, Change – A Model for Working with Challenging Behaviour
Featuring Bo Hejlskov Elvén
Working with or parenting an autistic person often involves episodes of challenging behaviour. If can be anything from refusing to do what you want the person to do to self harm and hitting, biting and screaming. Often we manage that by using force or coercion, which is both counter productive and out right dangerous. This webinar proposes a model of working with challenging behaviour that emphasizes three consecutive phases.
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Sensory Issues and Emotions: A Guide to Assisting Children and Adolescents with Self-Awareness and Strategy Development
Featuring Lauren H. Kerstein
With this presentation, participants will be given the opportunity to engage in a deeper exploration of sensory issues and the impact they have on our emotions, mental health system and self-regulation. The presentation will guide participants through developing a better understanding of sensory challenges and strategies that might effectively assist a child with increasing his/her ability to understand and manage sensory issues.
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Strengthen Executive Function Skills: Strategies to Teach Time Management
Featuring Carol Burmeister
This webinar defines executive function (EF) and discusses how EF challenges are manifested. Emphasizing the importance of effective time management in learner success, Carol Burmeister will provide time management strategies that can be used for a wide variety of learners.
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Supporting Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Featuring Lauren H. Kerstein
With Lauren Kerstein’s presentation, attendees will learn how to identify characteristics of anxiety in their child or adolescent. Participants will receive concrete, practical strategies for increasing emotion regulation skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. These strategies will apply to home, community, and school settings.
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Supporting Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with Co-occurring Mental Health Issues
Featuring Dr. Cathy Pratt
Individuals on the spectrum can present numerous challenges to the professionals and family members who support them. However, when an individual also has a mental health issue the support needs can be more complex and complicated. Starting with an understanding and strategies for assessing behaviors, practical strategies will be presented that address the whole child, including the role of trauma and stress in a child’s life and how to promote self-regulation.
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Teaching Literacy Skills to Students with Autism – Reflections and Foundations
Featuring Leslie Broun
When Leslie began working with students with autism in 1988, there was very little information available on what to teach or how to teach it, but gradually, through the 1990’s, thanks to individuals like Temple Grandin, autism became more understood and part of the educational discourse. In this webinar, Leslie will discuss her specific influences in developing teaching skills, in particular – literacy, for students with autism. One of the most significant of these is the role of neuroscience, which we can neither ignore nor underestimate in conceptualizing instruction, e.g. how irregularities in the brains of persons with autism can affect elements of social understanding and thus, reading comprehension.
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Teaching Toileting to Autistic Individuals – How to Get Started and Make Progress at Any Age, Any Stage
Featuring Maureen Bennie
Maureen Bennie’s recording of her webinar on teaching toileting – how to get started and make progress.
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The Brain and Autism: Linking Neurology and Interventions to Address Academic and Behavior Challenges
Featuring Dr. Brenda Smith Myles
This session will briefly overview some of the neurological research and autism spectrum disorder in laymen’s terms. Specifically, brain research related to academics/learning, social, sensory, and regulation will be addressed. This research will then be linked to practical, easy-to-use evidenced-based interventions that can help autistic students learn.