Autism Awareness Centre’s series of introductory e-books are designed to help you quickly assimilate information and strategies that can be applied immediately to home, school or community settings.
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Autism and Sensory Processing Challenges
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or sensory issues describes the challenges children and adults have when the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. Various studies have shown that between 69% to 95% of autistic children have sensory processing challenges.
$3.90 -
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adulthood E-Book
There is a notion that once you become an adult you reach independence, but are any of us truly independent? We rely on others to teach us things we don’t know, seek professionals to deliver services we can’t do ourselves, have a network of friends and family for support, live in a neighborhood, and work in a community. In other words, the lives we lead as adults are interdependent, not independent.
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Educating Individuals with ASD – A Guide for Parents and Educators E-Book
Children with autism spectrum disorder experience some unique learning challenges. The correct accommodations, modifications and supports can help a child thrive and grow in an educational setting. It is important to understand the factors that impact learning and skill acquisition in order to plan and develop the right materials.
$3.90 -
Feeding Challenges with ASD E-Book
Whether in the supportive role of parent, caregiver, educator or support worker, it is important to recognize eating difficulties, understand and accept them, and find solutions to foster good eating habits and nutrition. A healthy diet with a wide variety of foods can take a long time to achieve, but it is worth working towards. Good health and well-being are the primary goals around eating.
$3.90 -
Happiness and Well-Being on the Autism Spectrum E-Book
Having a positive sense of well-being will help an autistic person in numerous ways. A person who feels happy and fulfilled tends to be more flexible, adaptable, calm, content, and resilient.
$3.90 -
Life at Home During COVID-19 E-Book
With the cancellation of so many aspects of our world such as work, travel and school, our lives are now centered on being at home. Families are together all day long; outside supports have disappeared. No visitors can come to the house. The move to online learning has not been completely successful for some people because they find the online format overwhelming and too fast paced. Parents are worried about skill regression or how to cope as behaviors escalate in isolation.
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Life Skills E-Book 2nd Edition
Life skills encompass a broad range of skills such as cooking, self-care, household chores, employment, personal safety, self-advocacy, money management, and executive function skills. Practice of these skills is on-going and ever changing as needs, circumstances, and goals evolve.
Knowledge, understanding and the successful execution of life skills can enhance quality of life, increase self-esteem, and support overall well-being. Contributing in a meaningful way at home, school, on the job, or in the community fosters a feeling of satisfaction and happiness.
$3.90 -
Newly Diagnosed Families E-Book
Receiving an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis is a life-changing event at any age or any stage of life. For parents, it changes their hopes, dreams and expectations for their child. It impacts the parents’ relationship with each other, the family dynamic and relationships with extended family and friends.
Parents often feel overwhelmed in the beginning and want to do everything they can all at once. This can lead to frustration and burn out because autism is a lifelong journey and not a topic you can be knowledgeable about quickly. It takes time to adjust to the diagnosis, to find out what supports and strategies will work best your child.
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Preparing for Employment E-Book
Finding successful employment is a long term process. It is much more than writing a resume and doing a job interview. Preparation, planning, and patience really are the keys to a solid chance at employment.
$3.90 -
Sexuality and Relationships E-Book
Sexuality is always a difficult topic to think about and discuss, especially for parents. It’s hard to see your child as a sexual being. Sometimes people believe that if a person has an autism diagnosis, they won’t have sexual feelings or want a relationship. This simply isn’t true. Biological urges, body changes, and sexual feelings will happen so it’s important to address these in a sensitive and supportive way.
$3.90 -
Toilet Training E-Book
The most questions I am asked about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are about toileting difficulties. Successful toilet training opens up a new world for an individual. It gives them independence, privacy, access to more programs, allows for a greater diversity of staff/help, acceptance from others, and increases personal safety.
$3.90 -
Understanding and Addressing Behavior in Individuals with ASD E-Book
When thinking about and addressing behavior, it’s important to take a step back and self-reflect. This means examining our role in triggering an incidence and how we interact with that person. This is not easy to do as all of us mean well and want the best for the individuals we are supporting. We have to understand that autistic neurology is different from our own and we can’t expect that their way of thinking will be the same as ours.