Showing 101–120 of 163 results
Superflex Series All-in-One Bundle
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke, Stephanie Madrigal, Kari Zweber PalmerPublishing Info: Book & Game BundleBring social, emotional, and academic learning for children ages 5-10+ into your classroom—and save with this Superflex Series All-in-One Bundle! You may have already heard about the Social Detective, Superflex, and the cast of colorful characters we call UnthinkaBots and Thinkables. Kids around the world are having so much fun learning strategies to activate their Superflex powers, they may not even realize they’re improving their flexible thinking, self-awareness, executive functioning, and self-regulation!
$504.95 -
Superflex Series Get Started Bundle
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke, Kari Zweber Palmer, Stephanie MadrigalPublishing Info: Book Bundle with Games / 2024This Get Started Bundle includes six foundational products, including the first storybook, You Are a Social Detective! 2nd Edition and You Are a Social Detective! Teaching Curriculum & Support Guide. Educators, therapists, and caregivers will find the Thinkables & UnthinkaBots Double Deck, 3rd Ed. to be a helpful supplementary teaching visual when using the Superflex curriculum, and kids love the instructional and fun Superflex Bingo game and Superflex Super Sticker Collection.
$298.95 -
Superflex Super Sticker Collection: Thinkables & Unthinkables
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Over 500 stickers on 16 sticker sheets / 8" x10" sheets / June 2020Use these colorful Superflex stickers at home, at school, or on the go! These stickers are to be used in association with lessons from Superflex… A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum.
$31.95In stock
Superflex Takes Flight
Author: Pamela Crooke and Michelle Garcia Winner (original Superflex concept by Stephanie Madrigal)Publishing Info: Board game with cards, tokens, and tip sheets / February 2025The all NEW Superflex Takes Flight board game is the latest product extension in our award-winning Superflex® Curriculum. The superhero theme serves as a backdrop for engaging students in imaginative and motivating game play that explores thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions as they learn strategies to increase self-awareness, social problem solving, flexibility, and self-regulation.
$73.95In stock
Superflex Takes on Brain Eater 2nd. Edition
Author: Stephanie Madrigal and Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Paperback 68 pages / April 2024“Superflex Takes on Brain Eater” focuses on one of the social cognitive challenges we see most often in our students, distractibility, with strategies on how to stay on track with every day activities like getting ready for school and listening in class! The engaging comic book is the third in our Superflex series designed to help children learn more about their own social behavior and strategies to regulate it…
$42.95In stock
Superflex Takes on Glassman and the Team of UnthinkaBots™, 2nd. Ed.
Author: Stephanie Madrigal and Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Paperback 67 pages / April 2023This engaging book is part of the Social Detective & Superflex series, which is designed to help children learn about their own and others’ thoughts and behaviors and practice strategies for self-awareness and self-regulation across a variety of situations. As kids learn strategies to manage their UnthinkaBots, they strengthen their flexible thinking and are better able to self-regulate in challenging times.
$41.95 -
Superflex® 2nd Edition Kit: Curriculum, Storybook, and Visuals
Author: Pamela Crook and Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Kit with multiple pieces 699 pages / January 2024For more than a decade, our practical, motivating, and kid-friendly Superflex Curriculum has been a core resource for teaching students about flexibility, self-awareness, social interpretation, metacognition, executive functions, and self-regulation. This updated and expanded Superflex® 2nd Edition Kit: Curriculum, Storybook, and Visuals augments the available resources and enhances support for educators, therapists, and parents through a suite of print and digital teaching materials.
$105.95In stock
Superflex® Bingo
Author: Tara Estes, Michelle Garcia Winner Pamela CrookePublishing Info: Bingo Boards, Cards, Bingo Chips, Instruction Booklet / December 2018Superflex® Bingo is a flexible, fun, and educational game! It enables students to practice identifying Social Thinking concepts and Superflex characters to strengthen their self-regulation and superflexible thinking powers. This is not a stand-alone teaching tool – do not introduce this game until your students have completed You Are a Social Detective! and the Superflex curriculum.
$56.95In stock
Superflexes and the Thinkables Poster
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Poster 18" width x 24" length / 2024Thinkables are being seen around Social Town everywhere now as children are learning to use their superflexible thinking strategies to defeat their Unthinkables. Each Thinkable character is a counterpart to the Unthinkable character/challenge, and adds to a person’s superflexible powers to defeat the Unthinkables.
$24.95 -
Superflexes Take on the UnthinkaBots Poster
Author: Michelle Garcia WinnerPublishing Info: Poster 18" wide x 24" length / 2024The Superflex Unthinkables poster colorfully displays all 14 of the original Team of Unthinkables in a fresh new and larger format. Several Superflex characters are at the top, to remind students that Superflex represents the superflexible social thinking that’s in each of us. When we use our flexible thinking, we can overcome the sneaky Unthinkables.
$24.95 -
Supporting Social Learning in Autism – An Autobiographical Memory Program to Promote Communication & Connection
Author: Tiffany L. Hutchins, Ph.D., Ashley R. Brien, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Patricia A. Prelock, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-CLPublishing Info: Paperback 272 pages / 2023Autobiographical memory (ABM)—the type of long-term memory that holds information about ourselves and our past experiences—is key to social learning and social communication. This groundbreaking guide shows professionals how to support ABM in children and adolescents on the autism spectrum, leading to lasting enhancements to critical social skills.
$73.95 -
Talkabout Theory of Mind – Teaching Theory of Mind to Improve Social Skills and Relationships
Author: Katherine Wareham, Alex KellyPublishing Info: Paperback 290 Pages - 302 Color Illustrations / April 2020Theory of mind is a key consideration in autism spectrum conditions and is frequently associated with social, emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties. The latest practical workbook in the TALKABOUT series, this book is designed to support those for whom theory of mind does not come naturally.
$72.95 -
Tasks Galore – Making Groups Meaningful
Author: Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fennell, Kathy HearseyPublishing Info: Spiral Bound 154 pages / 2005Tasks Galore – Making Groups Meaningful aids teachers, parents and therapists in applying structured teaching techniques within classroom groups, school specials, and even parties! Designing meaningful home and school group activities involves integrating IEP goals, individualizing structure and communication, and teaching rules.
$70.95In stock
Tasks Galore: Let’s Play
Author: Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fennell, Kathy Hearse, Beth ReynoldsPublishing Info: Spiral Bound 133 pages/ August 2009The fourth book in the popular resource series for parents, teachers and therapists, is filled with 100’s of fun multi-modal tasks described in text and color photos.
$84.95In stock
Teaching Asperger’s Students Social Skills Through Acting: All Their World Is a Stage!
Author: Amelia Davies, Foreword by Jeanette McAfeePublishing Info: Paperback 191 pages/ December 2004To teach “the fine art of fitting in,” Amelia Davies instructs anyone who has a sense of humor and the desire to give their kids “a healthy dose of self-esteem” how to utilize the dramatic arts to build social skills.
$27.95In stock
Teaching Children with Autism to Mind-Read: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents
Author: Patricia Howlin, Simon Baron-Cohen, Julie HadwinPublishing Info: Paperback 302 pages/ 1999The difficulties experienced by children with autism and related conditions in inferring the thoughts, beliefs, desires and intentions of others are well documented in numerous studies. It now seems that these deficits underlie many of the social and comm
$109.95 -
The Autism Acceptance Book: Being A Friend to Someone with Autism
Author: Ellen SabinPublishing Info: Spiral Bound 62 pages / March 2006This book is an activity book, a conversation-starter, and an educational tool that engages children in learning to embrace people’s differences and treat others with respect, compassion, and kindness.
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The Autism Playbook for Teens – Imagination-Based Mindfulness Activities to Calm Yourself, Build Independence & Connect with Others
Author: Irene McHenry PhD, Carol Moog PhD, Susan Kaiser Greenland JDPublishing Info: Paperback 139 pages / August 2014Teens with autism have the potential to be excellent actors. They are natural observers – able to study, imitate, and learn social behavior.
$31.50In stock
The Feelings Book
Author: Todd ParrPublishing Info: Paperback 23 pages / 2000This book vibrantly illustrates the wide range of moods we all experience. Kids and adults will appreciate Todd Parr’s quirky intelligence as he pays special attention to the ever-changing, sometimes nonsensical emotions that we all feel.
$10.49In stock
The FRIEND® Program for Creating Supportive Peer Networks for Students with Social Challenges, including Autism
Publishing Info: Paperback 224 pages / October 2019With an emphasis on peer sensitivity and supportive environments, the FRIEND manual provides teachers with a wide variety of strategies to help school-aged children with social difficulties – such as attention deficit, anxiety, emotional or autism spectrum disorders – to successfully navigate social situations.