Education / Classroom
For parents of children with autism and teachers alike, great practical guides on curriculum building, teaching literacy, and sensory integration.
PublishersShowing 61–80 of 270 results
Different Speeds and Different Needs: How to Teach Sports to Every Kid
This comprehensive guide shows K–12 teachers and coaches how to establish, revamp, and sustain inclusive sports programs that benefit students with a wide range of special needs and challenges.
$38.95In stock
Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control? Why kids get confrontational in the classroom, and what to do about it
Managing behaviours in the group dynamic of a classroom setting can be challenging for teachers. Theories of child psychology support practical advice to facilitate healthy teacher-student relationships and a positive group atmosphere.
$33.95 -
Educating Individuals with ASD – A Guide for Parents and Educators E-Book
Children with autism spectrum disorder experience some unique learning challenges. The correct accommodations, modifications and supports can help a child thrive and grow in an educational setting. It is important to understand the factors that impact learning and skill acquisition in order to plan and develop the right materials.
$3.90 -
Educating Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
More school-aged children with ASD are entering classrooms, and teachers are being called upon to help facilitate their learning. Educating Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is aimed at providing strategies for teachers, school counselors, and psychologists to help address the needs of children on the spectrum, as well as their families.
$23.95In stock
Education and Girls on the Autism Spectrum – Developing an Integrated Approach
A multi-disciplinary collection about understanding and addressing the key issues in education for girls with autism. The book offers recommendations for a collaborative and integrated approach within a variety of settings that enable girls on the spectrum to reach their full potential.
$60 -
Enhancing the Well-Being of Students on the Autism Spectrum – Learning from Students, Parents, and Teachers
The importance of enhancing students’ well-being is recognized around the world, yet the well-being of autistic students remains largely unexplored. With the increasing enrolment of autistic students in mainstream schools, it is imperative to develop a comprehensive understanding of the well-being of autistic students to facilitate their sense of well-being in school. Enhancing the Well-Being of Students on the Autism…
$70.95 -
Equitable and Inclusive IEPs for Students with Complex Support Needs
Students who have the most significant support needs are at high risk for exclusion from general education. Unlock access to inclusive education for these learners with this forward-thinking book, a step-by-step guide to person-centered, strengths-based, and meaningful IEPs for K–12 students with complex support needs.
$71.95 -
Essentials of Transition Planning, 2nd. Ed.
For young people with disabilities, crossing the bridge to adulthood will be empowering instead of intimidating—when their support teams know the essentials of effective transition planning. Now all the fundamentals of well-crafted transition plans are collected in one concise quick-guide, straight from one of the top authorities on helping young people live fulfilling adult lives.
$51.95In stock
Excelling With Autism: Obtaining Critical Mass Using Deliberate Practice
This book is about doing things differently to positively impact individuals on the spectrum by supporting the development of critical mass in areas that are necessary for successful functioning in home, work, and community using the research-based elements of deliberate practice.
In stock
Executive Function “Dysfunction” – Strategies for Educators and Parents
The author describes the cognitive processes that make up the executive functions, including attention, behavioral inhibition, theory of mind, organizational skills, time management, planning, decision-making, and self-talk. Using real examples, she describes how difficulties in each of these areas may manifest, and offers practical hints, tips, and accommodations for supporting children both in and out of school.
$33.95In stock
FLIPP the Switch 2.0 – Mastering Executive Function Skills from School to Adult Life for Students with Autism
FLIPP 2.0 provides a blueprint for identifying the executive function skills that students need for future success, along with specific strategies that will support kindergarten through high school students in building strong, long-term gains in executive function skills.
$41.95 -
Focusing and Calming Games for Children – Mindfulness Strategies and Activities to Help Children to Relax, Concentrate and Take Control
A book of games and activities to help children to focus, concentrate, and stay calm. The book includes a comprehensive but accessible theory section, and a host of games and activities suitable for use with groups or individual children aged 5–12. Ideas for adaptation for children with attention and concentration difficulties are included.
$45.95In stock
Freedom from Seclusion and Restraint – The Studio 3 Approach
This book is for any practitioner or family member supporting individuals in crisis. The Low Arousal Approach, designed and implemented by Studio 3, has been applied in a variety of different care settings, and is also becoming more popular in schools and classrooms. Applying the Low Arousal Approach to behaviour management and crisis situations is a complicated process. This book is full of honest examples about how to achieve restraint and seclusion elimination goals. This is a difficult and emotional subject, and readers may feel challenged by some elements of this book.
$31.95In stock
From Text Maps to Memory Caps
Differentiated instruction is simple and fun with this treasure trove of ready-to-use adaptations for grades K-12. All teachers-especially fans of Kluth & Danaher’s From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks–will love the 100 creative NEW ideas in this illustrated guide, perfect for meeting the learning needs of all students in inclusive classrooms. An effective, time-saving way to boost student skills in key areas such as literacy, math, organization, communication, and behavior, these research-based adaptations will strengthen and energize any curriculum.
$59.95In stock
Gear Up for Success – A Three-Tiered Planning Model for Supporting Learners on the Autism Spectrum
Using the analogy of shifting gears on a bicycle, this three-tiered planning model provides educations teams with evidence-based practices at three different levels of intensity to address the unique challenges of students on the autism spectrum in a variety of common settings and circumstances.
$31.95In stock
Getting Into the Game: Sports Programs for Kids with Autism
Participation in individual and team sports plays an important part in children’s development and promotes growth in a number of areas. As well as the obvious health benefits, sport also provides the perfect backdrop to teach young people with autism about rules, strategy and teamwork – all invaluable lessons that can be applied to wider society.